WHITE LISBON. Onion seeds 1g (Allium fistulosum)

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Sowing / planting time III - V

WHITE LISBON. Early variety. Gentle taste in the bows. Perennial leafy vegetable with long, fine, tubular leaves (dark green arches) and large hopes. It grows very early in the spring. It can grow in one place for 3-5 years. Frost resistant. Seeds of onion are sown to a depth of 1-2 cm from early spring to mid-July. In spring, sowings can be eaten already in August, later sowings - next year. Onion bulbs are grown on light to medium soils.
As the bulbs begin to bloom, the onions become thicker, tougher and dry. Onions are used in salads, soups and as a food supplement from early spring to late autumn.
WHITE LISBON. Onion seeds. Seed packet